Olana University
Up Close + Personal: Olana Collections Talk
Upload date: 2020
By William Coleman
Olana’s Director of Collections and Exhibitions William L. Coleman, Ph.D. focuses on Tropical Orchid by Martin Johnson Heade. This painting testifies to the complex friendship between artists Martin Heade and Frederic Church and served as inspiration for the exhibition Cross Pollination: Heade, Cole, Church, and Our Contemporary Moment, which ran from June to October of 2021.
Frederic Church’s Olana on the Hudson: Art, Landscape, Architecture
Publication date: 2018
Photographed by Larry Lederman, Edited by Karen Zukowski and Julia B. Rosenbaum

WMHT Specials: Frederic Church’s Olana: An American Treasure
Air date: 2016
Explore Olana, the home and studio of Hudson River School painter Frederic Edwin Church. Discover Church’s original vision for the home and learn about preservation and restoration work including efforts to restore the landscape to Church’s original design. See how his home and artwork have played a role in preserving the view shed of the Hudson River Valley.
Lockwood de Forest & Frederic Church at Olana
Publication date: 2014
By Evelyn D. Trebilcock

Frederic E. Church (1856-1925) Sketching in Maine
Publication date: 2013
By Evelyn D. Trebilcock

In 1877, Frederic E. Church traveled by railroad, wagon, and sled to paint on one of the highest peaks in New England. His oil sketches were included in the past exhibition Maine Sublime. This article looks at the art that resulted from Church’s Maine travels. (6 pages)
Changing Times: Irish Servants in the 19th-Century Hudson Valley
Publication date: 2010
By Daniel W. Bigler
Olana Historic Furnishings Report, Part I: The Churches & Life at Olana
Report date: 2001

Part I includes a narrative history of Frederic Church and many family members, including chapters on: the Churches’ religious beliefs, public and private reactions to the new Olana home, the raising of children at Olana, the Churches as collectors, guests at Olana, daily life at Olana, life of domestic servants at Olana, illnesses of Frederic and Isabel Church, the late paintings of Church, background on the furnishings of Olana, and Louis and Sally Church as stewards of Olana. (664 pages)
Olana Historic Furnishings Report, Part II: The Tour Floor Rooms
Report date: 2001

Part II of the Furnishings Report discusses the function in the 19th century of each room on the tour floor, noteworthy objects in those rooms, and objects that are reproductions of originals. Included are porches, piazzas, and outdoor rooms; the vestibule; the East parlor; the court hall; the sitting room; the studio; the corridor; the library; the cloak hall; the butler’s pantry; the dining room/gallery; and the laundry. NOTE that this volume does not discuss rooms now on our tour plan on the 2nd floors of the main house, such as the Churches’ bedrooms. (588 pages)
Olana’s Flower Garden: A Restoration Report
Report date: 2001

This report describes the 1886-88 planting of the “Victorian” flower garden that sits adjacent to the East Lawn, southeast of the main house, as well as updates made to the garden in the 1970s and the TOP project of 2001. Plant species for the original garden are included, as are photos from the 1980s. (Note: The quality of this PDF is poor and parts of the document are not searchable). (49 pages)
Historic Landscape Report, Olana State Historic Site
Report date: 1996
By Robert M. Toole

Documents the property history, intended use and design appearance of the Olana landscape during the residency of Church and his family, starting in 1860, as well as during the nine decades after Church’s death in 1900.
Also describes land acquisitions and includes dozens of period maps and photographs of the property. This volume also traces the history of landscape gardening on both sides of the Atlantic prior to Church. (300 pages)
The Olana Landscape Garden: Frederic Church’s Contribution to Wilderness Preservation
Publication date: 1995
By Bethany Astrachan

Frederic Edwin Church Catalogue Raisonne of Works of Art at Olana State Historic Site, Volume I, Text
Publication date: 1994

This is the largest project undertaken to date on Frederic Edwin Church’s artworks at Olana. Divided into 16 chronological sections, it covers 736 drawings, paintings, and prints, spanning nearly 60 years of his life. The items, each of them illustrated in Volume II, range from doodles in his schoolboy textbooks and exercise books, to student works done under Thomas Cole, to important studio paintings exhibited during Church’s lifetime, and pencil sketches and finished paintings executed in Mexico as late as two years before his death in April 1900. The holdings are most concentrated at the beginning of Church’s career, between 1844 and 1850, and toward the end, between 1880 and 1898, but all phases of his travels and his art are represented, including preparations for his major studio paintings.
Volume I presents two introductory essays about Church and the development of Olana, including one by David Huntington, PLUS descriptions of every work created by Church that is part of the Olana State Historic Site collection, with accession numbers. (619 pages)
Catalogue for the 1989 National Gallery of Art Frederic Church Exhibition
Publication date: 1989
By Franklin Kelly

Franklin Kelly’s NGA catalogue for the 1989 NGA Frederic Church exhibition, which includes an early version of Jim Ryan’s “Frederic Church’s Olana: Architecture and Landscape as Art; Debra Rindge’s chronology of FEC’s life/work; and an annotated version of the unfinished c. 1900 biography by [Church’s friend] Charles Dudley Warner. We of course have copies in the library, but this is handy if you’re not in the house! (212 pages)
The Landscapes of Frederic Edwin Church
Publication date: 1966
By David Huntington

This is the publication Huntington’s PhD dissertation from Yale University and represents the first major monograph on Church. The emphasis is on the highlights of his career, on his successive concepts of the work of art, and on the role which he played in the cultural life of his day. Huntington offers detailed visual analysis of major Church paintings. (207 pages)
Emma Carnes and Frederic Church on Vehicles, Carriages, and Donkeys
Dates: Emma Carnes Diary, 1882-85; Frederic Church Quotes, 1864-96; FEC Letters, 1896

- Quotes from Emma Carnes’s diary that reference carriages, wagons, or carts at Olana.
- Quotes from Frederic Church that reference donkeys, carriages, vehicles, and other experiences driving around the Olana property.
- Letters from FEC to Downie about acquisition of a carriage and appropriate prices for such purchases.
- Photographs of various carriages in use at Olana during FEC’s lifetime. (26 pages total)