
“Olana is the monument of Emerson’s, Thoreau’s and Whitman’s America…”

– David Huntington, The Landscapes of Frederic Edwin Church: Visions of an American Era, 1966

In 1966, an extraordinary coalition of private citizens and elected officials succeeded in saving Olana from dispersal and destruction. Ever since this combination of public and private support has ensured that this unique treasure of American art and landscape, a key National Historic Landmark within the Hudson River Valley National Heritage Area, is sustained for future generations.

View The Olana Partnership’s 2023 Annual Report.

Frederic Church Awards


Annual Fund gifts provide unrestricted funding that allows The Olana Partnership to undertake the full range of its mission-centered work to inspire the public by preserving and interpreting Olana.

The Frederic Church Center For Art and Landscape


Dedicate a Bench

Based on a sketch by Frederic Church, rustic benches occupy key locations in Olana’s artist-designed landscape and are enjoyed by the visiting public in all seasons. The Olana Partnership offers the opportunity to dedicate one of these benches with an inscription of your choice.

Olana Collections
Discovery Fund

While Olana has an astonishingly intact historic collection, some important items left through the Church family before New York State obtained the property in 1966. Help the Olana Partnership Return Historic Objects to Olana State Historic Site.

Legacy Gifts

Share your love of Olana with future generations. The Olana Partnership offers a variety of planned or memorial gifts. For more information, contact Sean Sawyer, President.

Specialized Funds

The Olana Partnership has created specialized funds to support specific restoration and interpretation projects, such as The Barry Harwood Fund for Decorative Arts and The Novak-Ferber Exhibitions Fund. For more information, contact Sean Sawyer, President.

The Olana Partnership is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization whose mission is to inspire the public by preserving and interpreting Frederic Church’s OLANA, a National Historic Landmark within the Hudson River Valley National Heritage Area.

The Olana Partnership’s envisions Frederic Church’s OLANA, vibrant with the activity of visitors, students, scholars and artists, as the most widely recognized artist’s home and studio in the world.