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Painting Against the Odds: Edward Mitchell Bannister’s Unlikely Career in Late 19th Century America

With Rosalyn Delores Elder
March 3, 2022

Edward Mitchell Bannister’s career as a successful practicing artist in New England during the late nineteenth century was considered normal. But, as an African American artist living during the 19th century, the level of normalcy Edward Bannister experienced was, in fact, quite exceptional. During this webinar, Rosalyn Delores Elder will explore Bannister’s career and how his laser-focused determination foreshadowed his future success in the midst of exceptional circumstances.

Traditional Patterns and New Narratives: Exploring Toile de Jouy

With Sheila Bridges and Richard Saja
February 18, 2022

During this program, Sheila Bridges and Richard Saja will discuss the ways the legacy of toile has been altered, homaged, and expanded, moderated by journalist Sabine Rothman. As Sheila Bridges’ prominent toile series incorporates new and unexpected images into a toile motif—such as scenes reflecting Sheila Bridges’ African American heritage or images of Frederic Church painting a cell tower—Saja uses embroidery to create unexpected images out of traditional toile fabric.

History “Gone Viral:” Negotiating the Past through the Present

With Valerie Hegarty and Alexis L. Boylan
February 3, 2022

Join artist Valerie Hegarty and art historian Alexis L. Boylan for a virtual presentation and discussion about how Hegarty’s recent work connects the past and present, incorporating and interrogating historical narratives from the 19th century and beyond. Hegarty will examine how her 2021 exhibition, Gone Viral, engages with our own contemporary history while drawing from her past work and larger histories.

Behind “Uninvited: the Spread of Invasive Species”

With Steve Powers and Rob Cole
January 11, 2022

Learn more about the introduction, spread, and management of invasive species during this virtual webinar. Department of Environmental Conservation Invasive Species Forester Rob Cole and filmmaker Steve Powers will discuss Westfield Production Company’s recent documentary, Uninvited, that introduces the concept of invasive species. Their presentation will highlight some of the species threatening New York’s environment and economy, while also showing some innovative ways that New York State is combating these threats.

Deck the Halls: Female Abolitionist Societies and the Evolution of Christmas

With Ken Turino
December 21, 2021

In this virtual lecture, Historic New England’s Ken Turino narrates the history of female abolitionists in America and their contributions to the development of modern American Christmas traditions. These abolitionists, including Maria Chapman and Lydia Marie Child, hosted Christmas fairs to raise money for the abolitionist cause. These fairs had a wide-ranging influence on a number of Christmas traditions, including the adoption of greenery and the Christmas tree in America.

The Land of Beautiful Flowers and Birds: The Journey of Frederic Edwin Church through New Granada

With Verónica Uribe
December 9, 2021

Frederic Edwin Church arrived in New Granada on April 28th,1853 seeking inspiration from the tropical landscape that was previously recorded by Alexander von Humboldt in Cosmos (1845). This talk will follow the trail left by Church while crossing the territory of current-day Colombia, characterized by his fascination with what he encountered and the great discomforts of navigating the complex geography and culture.

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